Rodney Nicot

Whisperers Anonymous

As a native New Yorker, the streets of the city are a landscape artist Rodney Nicot knows well. In his video work, Whisperers Anonymous, Nicot juxtaposes the hectic interconnected dance we share, strangers bumping elbows in busy crosswalks, with the solitary journey we walk within where our secrets reside. Fascinated with the idea of anonymity, Nicot explores the role of technology in blurring the lines between the perceptible public and the obscured personal. Appropriating confessions from the mobile app Whisper, the artist explores the apparent contradiction in the act of secret telling with the amplificatory power of social media. The artist’s use of opacity and overlapping layers serves as a visual implication of these worlds in collision–of being isolated in a sea of strangers while simultaneously finding comfort therein.